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How do I download Verso eBooks once I've bought them?Updated a year ago

If you have an account on the Verso website, once you buy an eBook, it will be available for download in your Verso Library. 

  • You can access your Library by logging into your account on the Verso website > your account dashboard > Verso Library. Here you will find a record of all your past orders. 
  • Underneath any book for which an eBook is available, you will see a red "download eBook" link. Click this link and your eBook will automatically download. 

Your eBooks are stored forever in your Verso Library, so you can log in any time to download your eBook files again.

If you don't have an account with us, your eBook will be available to download via your order confirmation email. You will see a red "download eBook" link alongside the book in your list of purchases.

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